Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Rant

You got to love it when people see that you are styling and then they feel that they can top you by wearing something similar to what you wore the next day. In a way it can be flattering, but after a while it gets annoying. We all love attention; but people where do you draw the line. Yes I have a great sense of fashion, yet I dislike copy cats. If you want to be like me cool don't run out and change your wardrobe to match mine, especially when all of a sudden you look like your my twin only twenty four hours behind me.

Still single and loving it. The ex seems to be confused though. Why pretend to make people think we are still an item when it is no where close. I've moved on now it is time for you to do the same. The attention is turning into stalker behavior and is out of control. Love like family but it is time to wake up out of the fantasy world and say hello to the real world. It was mutual when we split so enjoy the grass on your side of the fence.

The not so new job is still great and fun; no really good stories yet will have some soon hopefully.

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